米国臨床留学日記: 腹部移植外科

2018年から米国中西部に臨床留学中。留学日記を中心に、関心のある医療トピック(移植外科、癌、肥満外科、予防医学) 趣味の筋トレ、ダイエット、書評、 中心に情報発信していくブログです。

How to increase the organ donation in Japan?

How to increase the organ donation in Japan?  

~Learn from a successful case~


In 2018, the number of organ donation in Japan is only “97”. This is not a number of cases in a state, but the number of cases in total of Japan.


The population of Japan is one third of it in USA. But the  number of organ donation is one tenth of it.  Compared with  more geographically close country like Korea, the number of it is one fifth.


Why we are still suffering from this severe organ shortage in Japan? Actually, the number of organ donation has not changed in these 2 decades. Some say it is due to our religious issues, others say our law definition of brain death is the problem. We are still struggling to find an answer to increase organ donation.


Korea, is known for improving their organ shortage by revising their organ transplant act in 2006 and 2011. Nowadays they perform almost 500 organ donation in 2018.

We could learn from how they improved their systems in 2000-2010s.